Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Medicated Momma

The medication I'm on now gives me about 6 hours per day where I am coherent and functional. All for a supposed "ear infection" and "stress headache". Part of me wonders if it's because they know I'm so frustrated I need to be kept doped up to keep from snapping and snapping someone's neck like Arnold Schwartzenegger in Commando. Remember the guy on the plane, who was "dead tired"? Yeah, some days here lately that looks like something I wouldn't mind doing.
Don't get me wrong, please. I am so far from a random act of violence type of person. I love helping people, I rescue run away dogs on a regular basis and find their owners, I counsel my friends about fertility as I'm kind of an expert on the subject after struggling with my own at one point- I do whatever I can, whenever I can, to make people happy. But I am just so freaking SICK of all the complete idiot TOOLBAGS running around that sometimes I feel like the world would be smarter without these people mucking up the human race. Is that so bad?

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